As an employer it is important that you are aware of the legal obligations you have to your employees and manage your relationship with them appropriately and within the legal framework that exists as part of Australia’s employment laws. This is especially true when it comes to dismissing an employee and it is vital that you understand the Unfair Dismissal Code and what exactly constitutes ‘unfair dismissal’ in order to limit any potential claims through Fair Work Australia.
Capped Price Servicing and Australian Consumer Law:
Recent action taken by the ACCC against car company Kia Motors has again highlighted the need for companies to ensure their marketing material is accurate and clear to consumers to avoid breaching Australian consumer laws.
Owning an Investment Property – Body Corporate Insurance:
Owning an investment property can be a great strategy for earning some extra income, but there are also costs involved, with one of the major costs being that of insurance. Things are slightly different where your investment property is an apartment or townhouse and there is a body corporate in place. As part of your body corporate levies you are paying for the body corporate to have insurance over the property.
Transfer Duty in Queensland – Concession Requirements:
Buying a Property to Renovate – Conveyancing Searches:
You only have to go for a quick drive down a suburban street to see how popular the renovation game has become, with home owners making big changes to their property, spurred on by the latest raft of renovating TV shows gracing our TV screens. In Brisbane it’s grand old Queenslanders that are receiving all the attention, while weatherboard beach shacks are in vogue on the Gold Coast.
Buying an Investment Property - Transfer Duty Guide:
The Title Search – Why You Need to Order Two:
So you’ve just purchased a property on the Gold Coast. First of all, congratulations! Now you’re probably ringing around different law firms for a conveyancing solicitor to act on your behalf and assist you with the purchase process. When you’re obtaining quotes you’ll normally be quoted a professional fee, as well as a search fee. This search fee is the cost of the searches your solicitor must undertake on the property, and in most cases the cost of these is simply what it costs your solicitor to order these.
So You’ve Purchased a Property – What About Insurance?
So you’ve taken the plunge into the property market and purchased a property. First of all, congratulations! Deciding to buy a property is a big step forward. But here’s a tip, have you considered insurance? We know, you’ve only just signed the contract of sale and you won’t actually own the house for a while yet, but what you’re probably not aware of is that the property is already you’re responsibility.