IP law

Can an Idea Be Stolen? – Protecting Your Copyright:

Can an Idea Be Stolen? – Protecting Your Copyright:

The digital world we now live in has only made life harder for those in the creative industries when it comes to protecting their work. Whether you’re a musician, a photographer, or a graphic designer, it’s more than likely you’ve come across this problem and seen your work ripped off or stolen and used by someone else for their own financial gain.

The Importance of Registering Your Business Name as a Trademark:

The Importance of Registering Your Business Name as a Trademark:

Starting a new business is an exciting, exhilarating rollercoaster of a ride and in the beginning there are so many things to do and keep track of. One of the first things that many business owners do is register their business name and a domain name, in the belief that this is enough to protect their business.

The Sharing Economy – Uber, Airbnb and your Legal Obligations:

The Sharing Economy – Uber, Airbnb and your Legal Obligations:

Have you heard of the sharing economy? In a nutshell is a socio-economic ecosystem that is built around the concept of the sharing of goods and services by different people and organisations. The poster children of the sharing economy currently are Uber and Airbnb.

Battle of the Font Masters - Partnership Agreements:

Battle of the Font Masters - Partnership Agreements:

One of the most common small business structures in Australia is a partnership, whereby two people agree to go into business together and each takes a stake in both the businesses profits and losses. In most cases however, no formal agreement is entered into between the partners as they are usually close friends who don’t foresee anything going wrong.