Things to Consider Before Purchasing an Investment Property:

Things to Consider Before Purchasing an Investment Property:

At Dylan & Inns our conveyancing solicitors see a lot of clients who are purchasing an investment property on the Gold Coast, or in Brisbane. Some of these clients are savvy investors who have purchased numerous properties before and are familiar with the process, while others are first time property investors dipping their toe into the market.

Small Business Tips – Debt Collection for Unpaid Invoices:

Small Business Tips – Debt Collection for Unpaid Invoices:

The Gold Coast is renowned for its diverse range of small businesses operating in a huge variety of industries, from clothing labels, to photographers, to electricians, to tradies. Often being a small business owner provides you with the freedom to be your own boss and pursue your passion, making a profit along the way. However, being your own boss also has its pitfalls, like for instance when a customer refuses to pay an invoice.

Understanding Conveyancing – The Building and Pest Condition:

Understanding Conveyancing – The Building and Pest Condition:

In Queensland the standard contracts of sale, being either the REIQ Contract, or the ADLForms Contract, include a standard building and pest condition. What this means is that a contract for the purchase of property will be subject to the buyer undertaking a building and pest inspection of the property and being satisfied with the report they receive following the inspection.

Understanding Conveyancing – The Settlement Process:

Understanding Conveyancing – The Settlement Process:

We work with a lot of clients who are buying or selling their first property and are new to the conveyancing process and not sure of all the steps involved. One of the questions we get asked most frequently is ‘do I have to come to settlement?’ So we thought we’d put together a bit of a summary of the settlement process to help.

Selling Property in Queensland – Underquoting by Real Estate Agents:

Selling Property in Queensland – Underquoting by Real Estate Agents:

It seems these days that every week there is a new story about a property that sold at auction for close to double its reserved price, which has put the spotlight on the practice of ‘underquoting’ in the real estate industry.

Employment Law Update – Proposed Changes to the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act:

Employment Law Update – Proposed Changes to the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act:

In 2013 an amendment to the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Qld) (‘the Act’) came into effect, which allowed for an employer, with the consent of a prospective employee, to obtain a copy of the prospective employee’s claims history from the Queensland Workers’ Compensation Regulator.

Online Movie Piracy - The Dallas Buyers Club Saga Continues:

Online Movie Piracy - The Dallas Buyers Club Saga Continues:

We've written a few times before about online piracy concerning the illegal downloading of Dallas Buyers Club by Australians and the court case brought against local ISPs. It seems that this saga is far from over though with a new judgment being handed down by the Federal Court to prevent speculative invoicing from taking place.

Understanding Unfair Dismissal – A Guide for Employers:

Understanding Unfair Dismissal – A Guide for Employers:

As an employer it is important that you are aware of the legal obligations you have to your employees and manage your relationship with them appropriately and within the legal framework that exists as part of Australia’s employment laws. This is especially true when it comes to dismissing an employee and it is vital that you understand the Unfair Dismissal Code and what exactly constitutes ‘unfair dismissal’ in order to limit any potential claims through Fair Work Australia.

Capped Price Servicing and Australian Consumer Law:

Capped Price Servicing and Australian Consumer Law:

Recent action taken by the ACCC against car company Kia Motors has again highlighted the need for companies to ensure their marketing material is accurate and clear to consumers to avoid breaching Australian consumer laws.

Owning an Investment Property – Body Corporate Insurance:

Owning an Investment Property – Body Corporate Insurance:

Owning an investment property can be a great strategy for earning some extra income, but there are also costs involved, with one of the major costs being that of insurance. Things are slightly different where your investment property is an apartment or townhouse and there is a body corporate in place. As part of your body corporate levies you are paying for the body corporate to have insurance over the property.