
Online Movie Piracy - The Dallas Buyers Club Saga Continues:

Online Movie Piracy - The Dallas Buyers Club Saga Continues:

We've written a few times before about online piracy concerning the illegal downloading of Dallas Buyers Club by Australians and the court case brought against local ISPs. It seems that this saga is far from over though with a new judgment being handed down by the Federal Court to prevent speculative invoicing from taking place.

Defamation and Damages – Don’t Cast Your Net Too Wide:

Defamation and Damages – Don’t Cast Your Net Too Wide:

A recent defamation case heard by the Supreme Court of New South Wales has highlighted the importance of carefully constructing your case for defamation and who the parties you wish to sue are. Taking legal action can be a very expensive and time consuming process, so the last thing you want to do is waste money casting your net too wide and suing people or organisations who aren’t responsible for the damage done to your reputation.