Google has announced that it will be permanently shutting down the Spanish version of Google News, effective from December 16, 2014. The shutdown comes in direct response to amendments to the Spanish intellectual property law (Ley De Propiedad Intelectual) imposing a compulsory fee for the use of snippets of text to link to news articles, by online news aggregators that provide a search service.
Still Got That VHS Player Lying Around? You’re in Luck!
Just Monkeying Around – Animals Selfies Can’t Be Copyrighted:
Recycling or Piggybacking? Emerging Technology and ‘Fair Use’:
We’ve previously highlighted how Copyright law in Australia is in a sense ‘broken’ as it fails to keep pace with emerging technologies. What is considered as the biggest flaw in copyright law in this country is the lack of a ‘fair use’ defence to copyright infringement, which covers the ‘recycling’ of content, where it is repurposed or modified by another author.