The Rules That Apply to Flying a Drone in Australia:

The Rules That Apply to Flying a Drone in Australia:

Did you wake up on Christmas morning to find a shiny new drone under the Christmas tree? Lots of people did, with this must have gadget topping many a Christmas list. Before you start the engines and take to the skies there are a few simple rules that you should be aware of to avoid landing yourself a hefty fine.

Is Cyberloss a Physical Loss? Insuring the Digital World:

Is Cyberloss a Physical Loss? Insuring the Digital World:

Insurance is big business in Australia and all you have to do is turn on the TV to see the latest insurance products to hit the market. The concept of insurance though centres around protecting against physical loss, whether that be your job, your car or your house.

Conveyancing Tips – Things to Consider Before Signing the Contract of Sale:

Conveyancing Tips – Things to Consider Before Signing the Contract of Sale:

So you’ve spent countless weekends scouring the suburbs of Brisbane, or the Gold Coast for that perfect property and you think you’ve finally found ‘the one’ and are ready to put in an offer and sign a contract of sale. It’s right about now that you need to tap the brakes every so slightly. There’s no point rushing in and signing your name, as the entire conveyancing process will be dictated by this contract, so you want to make sure you’ve got it right before signing.

Selling Your Property - Tips to Make the Conveyancing Process Easier:

Selling Your Property - Tips to Make the Conveyancing Process Easier:

So you’ve had your property on the market for a while and have now signed a contract of sale and sold your property. First of all congratulations on the sale! While getting that offer may be exciting at first, we’re sure that a bit of stress is beginning to creep into your mind as you start to consider the long list of things you now have to take care.

"A Very Smart Man" Who "Died Like an Idiot" - Yes You Need a Will:

"A Very Smart Man" Who "Died Like an Idiot" - Yes You Need a Will:

We're sure you've been told once or twice before about how important it is to have a will in place, even when you're not planning to 'kick the bucket' anytime soon. Our conveyancing solicitors make sure that at the end of each sale or purchase the client is reminded that they need to put a will in place. Unfortunately there are a great deal of people out there who still don't have a will in place.

First Home Buyer Tips – How Much Do I Need for a Deposit?

First Home Buyer Tips – How Much Do I Need for a Deposit?

At Dylan & Inns Gold Coast and Brisbane we deal with a lot of first home buyers looking to break into the property market and have a keen interest in ensuring their purchase is successful. One of the most frequent questions we get asked from these buyers though is ‘how much do I need for a deposit?’

Facing Your Fears - The Conveyancing Process for First Home Buyers:

Facing Your Fears - The Conveyancing Process for First Home Buyers:

Are you a first homebuyer looking to dip your toe into the property market, but find that fear is holding you back? Making that decision to spend such a large amount of money can be daunting, but our conveyancing solicitors are more than happy to talk you through the process and ease your mind before you sign that all important contract of sale.

Buying Re-Sale Tickets – Don’t Get Caught Out:

Buying Re-Sale Tickets – Don’t Get Caught Out:

So your favourite band has finally decided to visit the Gold Coast, or it’s grand final time in Brisbane and even though you had the date tickets went on sale marked and highlighted in your calendar and you spent three hours hitting refresh on your browser in an effort to secure tickets, you unfortunately still missed out.