With the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act (“PAMDA”) repealed earlier in the year and new legislation passed, there has been a period of uncertainty about when the new laws would come into effect and exactly what the changes would mean to Real Estate Agents.
Updated Land Valuations – Lodging an Objection:
Do you own property in Queensland? If so, you have probably by now received your new statutory land valuation notice that has been issued by the Valuer-General for all commercial and residential land in Queensland. These new valuations are effective from 30 June 2016 and your rates and land tax obligations will be based upon this new land valuation.
Buying Your First Home and Building a Property Portfolio:
It's not easy being a member of Gen Y, especially when it comes to getting your foot in the door in the competitive property market that has set in across the Gold Coast and Brisbane. As a first home buyer there are grants and concessions on transfer duty available to make your purchase slightly more affordable, however with prices now at all time highs it is increasingly difficult to push that door ajar and nab yourself that first set of keys.
Brisbane Buyers Pay Premium for Leafier Streets:
Make Your Home Work For You:
The ongoing reduction in interest rates is a boost to refinancing. According to research from finder.com.au, 35 per cent of all owner-occupied home loans financed each month are now refinanced, with the ratio expected to increase this year.
Gold Coast Suburb Profile – Southport:
Buying A House – How Much Do I Need to Earn?
Brisbane Suburb Profile – Morningside:
IP Law Update - No More Monkeying Around When It Comes to a Monkey’s Selfies:
Buying an Investment Property – What Are Tenants Looking for in 2016?
With property prices in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast set to continue their rise in 2016, there has never been a better time to enter the property market, or purchase an investment property. But with more investors entering the market, competition is increasing in attracting the perfect tenants. So what exactly are tenants looking for in 2016?