Did you know it’s illegal to copy a DVD onto your computer to put on your iPad, but legal to copy a VHS onto your computer to put on your iPad?
Do You Uber? – Australia’s Laws Can’t Keep Up:
What to Expect When Your Employee is Expecting:
Protecting Your Intellectual Property - Registering a Trademark:
Running a business is all about building a distinctive product or service and constructing a highly recognizable image that is immediately recognizable to your customers. Constructing this image is just the first step though, next you need to protect this image so others can’t copy it or leverage off it to steal your hard earned customers.
Buying an Investment Property Using your SMSF:
Many people aren't aware that you can purchase an investment property using funds from your self-managed superannuation fund ("SMSF"). There are of course a lot of conditions and restrictions in doing this, but with the property marketing often having a faster growth rates than traditional shares it can be a wise investment.
Defamation and Damages – Don’t Cast Your Net Too Wide:
A recent defamation case heard by the Supreme Court of New South Wales has highlighted the importance of carefully constructing your case for defamation and who the parties you wish to sue are. Taking legal action can be a very expensive and time consuming process, so the last thing you want to do is waste money casting your net too wide and suing people or organisations who aren’t responsible for the damage done to your reputation.
The ‘Australia Tax’ – The Cost of Digital Products in Australia:
You’ve probably heard the term ‘Australia Tax’ thrown around quite a bit in the media and it certainly deserves the attention it gets. We’ve always paid more for physical products in Australia due to our location and the cost of shipping goods here and distributing them. However is it fair that we also pay a great deal more than other countries for digital products? After all what extra costs are there to justify if the product is simply distributed over the internet?
The Changing Face of Property Law in Queensland:
Earlier this year the Queensland Government repealed the Property Agent and Motor Dealers Act 2000 (“PAMDA”) and brought in the Property Occupations Act 2014 (“Act”) to replace it. This new piece of legislation brings with it a raft of changes to property lawin Queensland, a few of which we have highlighted before. As we edge closer to the time in which it comes into play we thought we would revisit this topic and highlight a few addition changes to the way property is bought and sold and what this will mean to buyers and sellers of residential property.
Starting a Business: Entering into a Commercial Lease:
When starting a new business, or expanding your current business, one of the first things you will do is seek out an office or retail space to set up shop in. This will usually entail entering into a commercial lease for the premises. However there are a lot of considerations to be made before signing on that dotted line.