A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (“SMSF”) is a legal tax structure in Australia, with the sole purpose of providing for your retirement and they are used in place of paying your superannuation into a public fund. Administered by the Australian Tax Office (“ATO”), a SMSF can have between one and four members, with each member being a trustee of the fund.
Capital Gains Withholding - Impacts on Foreign and Australian Residents:
Ensuring Your Investment Property is Pet Friendly:
Snapshots from Burleigh - Weekends on the Gold Coast:
Is Your Home Earning More Than You?
Renting to Friends - Could you be your friend’s landlord?
Thinking of Selling? - Prepare Your Home for a Winter Sale:
It used to be the case that the property market slowed in Winter as sellers waited to for Spring to put their property on the market, but with a warmer Winter this year, our conveyancing solicitors have also noticed a warmer property market, with there being plant of eager buyers looking to pick up a property.