Just Monkeying Around – Animals Selfies Can’t Be Copyrighted:

Just Monkeying Around – Animals Selfies Can’t Be Copyrighted:

Just a quick post for all those budding wildlife photographers out there – don’t let a curious monkey (or any other jungle animal for that matter) push the shutter button on your camera instead of you. Why you ask?

Recycling or Piggybacking? Emerging Technology and ‘Fair Use’:

Recycling or Piggybacking? Emerging Technology and ‘Fair Use’:

We’ve previously highlighted how Copyright law in Australia is in a sense ‘broken’ as it fails to keep pace with emerging technologies. What is considered as the biggest flaw in copyright law in this country is the lack of a ‘fair use’ defence to copyright infringement, which covers the ‘recycling’ of content, where it is repurposed or modified by another author.

Severing the Co-Ownership of Property – Tenants in Common:

Severing the Co-Ownership of Property – Tenants in Common:

Our previous post on co-ownership introduced the concept and the benefits and pitfalls of owning property with others. As you know there are a several ways in which co-ownership of a property can be extinguished, but this depends on the form in which the co-ownership takes; i.e. do you own the property as, tenants in common, or as joint tenants.

Severing the Co-Ownership of Property - Joint Tenants:

Severing the Co-Ownership of Property - Joint Tenants:

Co-ownership has many benefits, but also some pitfalls, in particular when it comes to the ending of a co-ownership arrangement. There are several ways in which co-ownership can cease, and it very much depends on the form in which the co-ownership takes.

Protecting Your Interests - Personal Properties Securities Register:

Protecting Your Interests - Personal Properties Securities Register:

The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (“PPSA”) came into effect on 30 January 2012, bringing with it a raft of changes to the enforcement of securities over personal property, including a new unified Federal law. 

Is that Really on Sale? Misleading Pricing of Products:

Is that Really on Sale? Misleading Pricing of Products:

We’ve all seen how common sale signs are becoming. It seems that every time you walk through a shopping centre there is a sale on at many of the stores, however a recent Federal Court decision has highlighted the danger of marking a product on sale, when in reality this is not really the case. 

There’s an App for That - The iPhone Will:

There’s an App for That - The iPhone Will:

In most cases for a Will to be valid in Australia it is required to be a written document that is signed by the testator in the presence of two or more witnesses. While it is always preferable to have a Will constructed in this way, the legislation that exists in Queensland does allow for the courts to dispense with these formal requirements in certain circumstances and admit what is termed an ‘informal will’.

Battle of the Font Masters - Partnership Agreements:

Battle of the Font Masters - Partnership Agreements:

One of the most common small business structures in Australia is a partnership, whereby two people agree to go into business together and each takes a stake in both the businesses profits and losses. In most cases however, no formal agreement is entered into between the partners as they are usually close friends who don’t foresee anything going wrong.

Claiming Beneficial Ownership of a House:

Claiming Beneficial Ownership of a House:

As a parent you always want to assist your children wherever possible and in many cases this involves providing financial assistance to help them get into their first house. It may seem like a no-brainer and the right thing to do by lending money to a loved one, but unfortunately circumstances change and relationships deteriorate.

REMIX! Australia's Copyright Law is Broken:

REMIX! Australia's Copyright Law is Broken:

Technology is constantly changing, evolving and reinventing itself and at an ever increasing pace. It's amazing, inspiring and something that you have to keep pace with. Unfortunately it moves so quick, that quite often the law can't keep up with it.