6 Benefits of a Business Lawyer When Setting Up a Business:

Entrepreneurs have a range of considerations when endeavoring to get their business up and running, from devising a viable business plan to securing work space to settling on a company name. Not the least of their concerns is the complicated legal process involved with setting up a business, which can be an intimidating pursuit for leaders of budding companies.

A business lawyer can offer valuable guidance on the best practices to ensure the health and growth potential of a company, providing proven insights that give new businesses a competitive edge when taking on the marketplace for the first time. Working with a business lawyer when working to establish a new business can present an arsenal of tangible benefits, including:


Business lawyers know the needs of a business vary based on its industry, size, scope and the ultimate vision of its leaders. A business lawyer can review your business plan, practices and policies to ensure that your company is set up to succeed. They specialize in incorporation, acquisition, disposal, transfer and other resource management methods with the intent of delivering the best possible outcomes in every transaction.

Contract Review:

A business lawyer deals with all aspects of business, including the relationships that exist with suppliers, vendors and other partners. They can work with you to identify contracts that deliver less than maximum value to your business and even spearhead negotiations to achieve a better deal.  They can also draft and review employment agreements to ensure everyone in the organization has a clear idea of what is expected of them. From franchise agreements to commercial leases, a business lawyer will ensure that every deal your company does is best for business.


Family businesses frequently fall under different guidelines than standard business arrangements, and handled improperly these relationships can become extremely contentious. It can be difficult to ensure that personal and professional relationships have minimal impact on each other, and a business lawyer can be the neutral arbitrator that ensures smooth interactions with any party.

Structural Evaluation:

Business lawyers can advise company leaders on the right business structure to provide maximum benefit to the business as well as the best strategies to achieve their immediate and long-term goals. Business lawyers can provide a clear picture of a company’s position in the marketplace and equip entrepreneurs with the information they need to achieve sustainable competitiveness as soon as possible.


From employee action to intellectual property disputes, nearly all businesses will eventually encounter legal issues. Maintaining a relationship with a business lawyer is an excellent way to help shield your business from undue effects of legal involvement, advising company leaders on the fastest and most effective ways to address legal issues that arise, allowing them to focus less of their resources to preparing and defending against legal action and more on growing their businesses.

Peace of Mind:

The world of business law is constantly evolving, and a business lawyer can give you the assurance that all of your company’s operations comply with federal and local guidelines. Many entrepreneurs just begin to taste success after early struggles when an early impropriety in the development or structure of the business leaves it tied into a protracted legal process at best and crippled at worst.

For this reason, it is wise for the leadership of emerging businesses to work with business lawyers to carefully monitor every stage of company development and address any minor regulatory or compliance issues before they become much larger problems. They can provide clear explanations of any legal process a business enters into, arming company leaders with the information they need to minimize uncertainty.

Business lawyers can create a sound legal foundation on which a company can build the most ambitious version of its success. Practically any business can benefit from working with a business lawyer, but they are especially valuable to developing businesses who have yet to establish themselves in the marketplace.

If you are starting a business on the Gold Coast, or in Brisbane, or would like a review of your current business structure, contact our business lawyers on 1300 36 32 10, or email hello@dylaninns.com.au.