
Can an Idea Be Stolen? – Protecting Your Copyright:

Can an Idea Be Stolen? – Protecting Your Copyright:

The digital world we now live in has only made life harder for those in the creative industries when it comes to protecting their work. Whether you’re a musician, a photographer, or a graphic designer, it’s more than likely you’ve come across this problem and seen your work ripped off or stolen and used by someone else for their own financial gain.

The Importance of Registering Your Business Name as a Trademark:

The Importance of Registering Your Business Name as a Trademark:

Starting a new business is an exciting, exhilarating rollercoaster of a ride and in the beginning there are so many things to do and keep track of. One of the first things that many business owners do is register their business name and a domain name, in the belief that this is enough to protect their business.

Internet Pirates Might Pay Only $20 Compensation Each to Dallas Buyers Club:

Internet Pirates Might Pay Only $20 Compensation Each to Dallas Buyers Club:

The studio pursuing Australians who allegedly pirated its film Dallas Buyers Club could end up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to recover just $20 compensation per case if it chooses to pursue individuals through the courts, a leading intellectual property lawyer says.

Google News Is Closing In Spain Because Of Copyright Law:

Google News Is Closing In Spain Because Of Copyright Law:

Google has announced that it will be permanently shutting down the Spanish version of Google News, effective from December 16, 2014. The shutdown comes in direct response to amendments to the Spanish intellectual property law (Ley De Propiedad Intelectual) imposing a compulsory fee for the use of snippets of text to link to news articles, by online news aggregators that provide a search service.

Protecting Your Intellectual Property - Registering a Trademark:

Protecting Your Intellectual Property - Registering a Trademark:

Running a business is all about building a distinctive product or service and constructing a highly recognizable image that is immediately recognizable to your customers. Constructing this image is just the first step though, next you need to protect this image so others can’t copy it or leverage off it to steal your hard earned customers.

The ‘Australia Tax’ – The Cost of Digital Products in Australia:

The ‘Australia Tax’ – The Cost of Digital Products in Australia:

You’ve probably heard the term ‘Australia Tax’ thrown around quite a bit in the media and it certainly deserves the attention it gets. We’ve always paid more for physical products in Australia due to our location and the cost of shipping goods here and distributing them. However is it fair that we also pay a great deal more than other countries for digital products? After all what extra costs are there to justify if the product is simply distributed over the internet?

Just Monkeying Around – Animals Selfies Can’t Be Copyrighted:

Just Monkeying Around – Animals Selfies Can’t Be Copyrighted:

Just a quick post for all those budding wildlife photographers out there – don’t let a curious monkey (or any other jungle animal for that matter) push the shutter button on your camera instead of you. Why you ask?

Recycling or Piggybacking? Emerging Technology and ‘Fair Use’:

Recycling or Piggybacking? Emerging Technology and ‘Fair Use’:

We’ve previously highlighted how Copyright law in Australia is in a sense ‘broken’ as it fails to keep pace with emerging technologies. What is considered as the biggest flaw in copyright law in this country is the lack of a ‘fair use’ defence to copyright infringement, which covers the ‘recycling’ of content, where it is repurposed or modified by another author.