media law

Is Cyberloss a Physical Loss? Insuring the Digital World:

Is Cyberloss a Physical Loss? Insuring the Digital World:

Insurance is big business in Australia and all you have to do is turn on the TV to see the latest insurance products to hit the market. The concept of insurance though centres around protecting against physical loss, whether that be your job, your car or your house.

The Sharing Economy – Uber, Airbnb and your Legal Obligations:

The Sharing Economy – Uber, Airbnb and your Legal Obligations:

Have you heard of the sharing economy? In a nutshell is a socio-economic ecosystem that is built around the concept of the sharing of goods and services by different people and organisations. The poster children of the sharing economy currently are Uber and Airbnb.

Google News Is Closing In Spain Because Of Copyright Law:

Google News Is Closing In Spain Because Of Copyright Law:

Google has announced that it will be permanently shutting down the Spanish version of Google News, effective from December 16, 2014. The shutdown comes in direct response to amendments to the Spanish intellectual property law (Ley De Propiedad Intelectual) imposing a compulsory fee for the use of snippets of text to link to news articles, by online news aggregators that provide a search service.

The Rise and Rise of Social Media – The Dangers of Using it in the Workplace:

The Rise and Rise of Social Media – The Dangers of Using it in the Workplace:

Social media is so widely used nowadays that even you’re grandma is liking and commenting on your posts! It’s the place where the news hits first and if you’re not on it then you’re viewed as a bit of a rebel. With social media so commonplace there are certain pitfalls that come with it and over-sharing about something that happened in the workplace could land you in a lot of trouble with your employer.

Defamation on Social Media Platforms:

Defamation on Social Media Platforms:

Social media is a fantastic tool for keeping in touch with people. It allows you to broadcast an update to close friends, acquaintances or to the public. This may seem like a great tool, however like any other tool it can be abused and there can be serious legal consequences as a result. For example, something we see all too often is the defamation of individuals via social media.