
Does it Really Come From There? Correctly Labeling Your Businesses Goods:

Does it Really Come From There? Correctly Labeling Your Businesses Goods:

As a business owner it is important that you take proper care with the packaging of your goods and any claims you make as to the country of origin of the goods. Labeling is tightly regulated by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (“ACCC”). If your goods are incorrectly labeled your business can face serious consequences for making false or misleading claims as to the origin of the goods.

Is that Really on Sale? Misleading Pricing of Products:

Is that Really on Sale? Misleading Pricing of Products:

We’ve all seen how common sale signs are becoming. It seems that every time you walk through a shopping centre there is a sale on at many of the stores, however a recent Federal Court decision has highlighted the danger of marking a product on sale, when in reality this is not really the case. 

Did You Actually Shop Here? Fake Business Reviews:

Did You Actually Shop Here? Fake Business Reviews:

Advertising your small business online is definitely the way to go these days, with potential to reach a large audience with a much smaller outlay than traditional media. With this in mind we thought we’d highlight a recent move by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (“ACCC”) as a word of warning to business owners.